
Fees At Flawless Feet Podiatry & Laser Clinic

Flawless Feet Value We Hold Dear

Fees- From 1st September 2023

General Fees (E.G. Podiatry OR General Consultation)

Please Note we will require all new clients to pay the full initial Consultation fees at the time of booking


Sydenham  &  Shirley Park (Croydon) Clinics

Initial Consultation & Treatment £78.00
Follow Up Treatment Session up to 30 minutes £65.00

Covent Garden Clinic

Initial Consultation & Treatment £90.00
Follow Up Treatment Session up to 30 minutes £80.00

Verrucae Treatments

Falknor’s Needling 

Falknor’ss Needling session + 1 follow-up (30 mins) : From £400.00 (Depends on the number of lesions present)

Swift Microwave Treatment

Initial Consultation - £78 or £90 (Depending on the clinic - Required for all new clients)

£420 ( 3 Session Package)  - Can be started on the same day as initial consultation

£150 a session if paid sessionally 

Cryotherapy/ Acid Treatment 

Initial consultation-  £78 or £90 ( Depending on the clinic - Required for all new clients) - Will include the Cryotherapy/ acid treatment if done at the same time.

Follow up sessions:
Sydenham/ Shirley Park (Croydon) : £75
Covent Garden : £85

Laser Treatment Of Fungal Nails

Sydenham – Croydon – Covent Garden  

Initial Laser Assessment: £85 (Includes initial treatment & Advice) 

One Foot Or One Hand: £500 (4 sessions)

Two Feet Or One Hand : £600 (4 sessions)

Medical Pedicure

Sydenham - Croydon : £95.00

Covent Garden : £110.00

Gait Analysis / Biomechanics/ Orthotics Therapy 

Biomechanical/ Gait Analysis assessment: £170.00
Custom Orthotics ( Includes Casting):  From £350.00
Additional Orthotics (ordered within 6 months of the first pair) From £275.00
Review Biomechanics Consultation: From £65.00
Orthotics Refurbishment ( fee to be added to consultation fees): From £90.00

Nail Surgery

1 Toenail surgery procedure - 1 Side + all follow up appointments needed until healed (usually 2-4) : £500
1 Toenail surgery procedure - 2 sides + all follow up appointments needed until healed (usually 2-4) : £550

2 Toenails surgery procedure - 1 side + all follow up appointments needed until healed (usually 2-4) : £650
2 Toenails surgery procedure - 2 sides + all folllow up appointments needed until healed (usually 2-4): £700

Dressing are included – Dressing packs are free as part of the package (Not included for insurance clients)

Nail Reconstruction

Sydenham - Croydon : 1 Toe - £80.00  |  2 Toes - £95.00

Covent Garden : 1 Toe - £95.00  |  2 Toes - £110

ElectroCorporeal Shockwave Therapy

From £95.00 a session + Initial Assessment fee on First Visit (£78 or £90)

This includes the ultrasound sonography scan of the injured area.

Low Level laser Therapy 

Call us now to book your session

call us ON 02037138361 call us ON 02037138361 book APPOINTMENT ONLINE book APPOINTMENT ONLINE

Cancellation Policy:

As soon as you know that you will be unable to attend your appointment for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible by telephone or email.

Telephone: 02037138361. Please leave a message if the line is busy or if your call is made outside opening hours.

E mail: hello@flawlessfeet.com

Please note: If an appointment is cancelled within 24 hours or a client fails to attend their appointment, or arrives too late to attend the appointment, the full charge for the appointment will become payable to Flawless Feet LTD.

Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration.
The cancellation fee is £57.00 (Sydenham or Shirley Park) or £70 (Covent Garden